KVPY - This is an ongoing program by Department of science and technology of India. This is to encourage students who are interested in science. (For school students to pre- Phd level students)
For more details, check with,
http://www.kvpy.org.in ( Applications are still not open this year )
I missed this wonderful opportunity :( I'm too late to apply for it. Engineering students of 1st and 2nd year are eligible to apply. But, I'm at the end of my second year and applications for this year would open only by April or May. By May, I'l be completing my 2nd year :(
So, I can't apply for it. I even planned a project for it. But, it's too bad that I couldn't apply.
I shared this, so that some one could get benefited . Keep sharing this info with all the young scientists (may be your neighbor's Kid/ your friends/ relatives) It may help some one who is really interested in Science.
And another fellowship program is offered by IAS ( Indian Academy of Sciences ) , Check the link below for more details :
http://web-japps.ias.ac.in:8080/fellowship2012/ ( For this too applications are not yet open ) (for students as well as teachers)
Why these fellowships?
- To motivate students who are interested in Science
- To bring out the spark of Innovation in you.
- To improve the wing of Indian Science and technology.
So, just give a try, apply and bring out the spark in you.
Keep an eye over these websites and apply for it on time. (Don't miss as I did)
All The best, young scientists :)
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