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Showing posts from March, 2012


KVPY - This is an ongoing program by Department of science and technology of India. This is to encourage students who are interested in science. (For school students to pre- Phd level students) For more details, check with,   ( Applications are still not open  this year ) I missed this wonderful opportunity :( I'm too late to apply for it. Engineering students of 1st and 2nd year are eligible to apply. But, I'm at the end of my second year and applications for this year would open only by April or May. By May, I'l be completing my 2nd year :(  So, I can't apply for it. I even planned a project for it. But, it's too bad that I couldn't apply.  I shared this, so that some one could get benefited . Keep sharing this info with all the young  scientists (may be your neighbor's Kid/ your friends/ relatives) It may help some one who is really interested in Science.  And another fellowship program is offered by...

Haiyoh!!!! Lost my love!

Feeling low, Feeling uninteresting! I started hating you! Is it me??! Is it myself who hate you?  I loved you these many months, I hugged you tight in my bed when I sleep. How great our days were, when we were together! :( :( But now! I hate you. It's because of , It's all because of me.  Wondering?! What happened to my love? Mm., as usual., I didn't mention about love between a boy and a girl, but, love between my microbio and me. ( Don't get tensed, I love my subjects that much :P seriously, I love them much)  "Favorite, lovely, interesting... ", the words which i often used to describe my microbio paper! Now, it became,  "boring, uninteresting, .."  :( :( It's too good to read and experiment with microbe's morphology and metabolisms. But, this classifications....!!!!  Oh my god, this is too lengthy, even the infinite list of castes in India could be memorized, but not this classification chart! I love reading, but, not mem...

Never AIM!!!?

"A man who carries a cat by the tail learns something he can learn in no other way", Mark Twain  said so. ( I googled and caught this :P okay that's not a great problem. What does he mean, that's what important)  People say, " AIM high!". But, I say, "NEVER AIM". (????!!!) None can teach me better than my experience. Though my dad, my mom, elders, friends suggest and guide me, what i learn from them, are all not any way better than my experience.  My class teacher used to say when i was in school, "Learn for knowledge, not for marks, not for placements, not for getting a job, learn with greater interest; when you hear a song, how keen and enjoying it would be for you, enjoy reading the same way".  :( But, who cared at that time to enjoy with the text books? I hated studying. I read and understood only 75% of the syllabus. As a result got a bit low score in HSE.  Then, dad put me in B.Tech(bio tech). I didn't like the ...