Hi, As I said in my previous post Viva Voce #1 , my university practical exams are going on, out of the 4 practicals, now I completed 3 :) Today was a day of E.coli, as I got E.coli with all experiments :) Microbio is my favorite favorite subject, and the lab, I love to be in microbio lab with my microbial buddies :) :P Here we go with my microbiology practical exam :) I prepared well for my lab exam yesterday night. I made myself clear with all the concepts behind lab techniques and experiments. Had good confidence :) as this is my favorite lab :) I was given with a question paper saying: Major experiment: Inoculate 10% of E.coli culture in nutrient broth of ph5 and check the growth rate by measuring turbidity and plot a graph. Minor experiment: Perform gram staining of the given culture, observe shape, color and interpret the results. :) :) :)))) I got a biggggggggg smile when I saw this easy question paper and started with my experiment :) I clea...
My learning journey!